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Analyzing.AI is a new way of approaching data analysis, using the power of applied mathematics.

Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming one of the most important human inventions, base on its potential to transform every aspect of human life.  That includes the ways in which we live, do business, interact with others, and understand the world around us.  Presently, the most powerful applications of artificial intelligence are in its ability to analyze data.  That ability is leading to breakthroughs in many different industries.

To help AI evolve, Analyzing.AI is focused on advancing artificial intelligence through applied mathematics.  Applied math has been at the heart of all major advancements in science, engineering, and technology.  The field of artificial intelligence has begun to rapidly advance, based on methods for applying subjects like Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Statistics to data analysis.

As the amount of data available to business continues to grow, businesses will search for competitive advantages though better tools for analyzing data.  Instead of waiting for new advancements to come from universities, Analyzing.AI is tapping into the field of mathematics as a business model.  We see mathematicians as potential researchers and innovators, who can use their knowledge to help develop better AI programs.

With advances in mathematics come more advanced ways to analyze data.  That is why Analyzing.AI is focused on applying mathematics to new techniques for business analytics.  Utilizing AI, we can automate the process of sorting, labeling, and storing data, in a ways that optimize data for analysis.  AI can then use increasingly advanced algorithms to perform data analysis and finds new insights that increases business intelligence.
This video was created at AIStudios.com. AI Studios is not affiliated with Analyzing.AI.
Analyzing.AI was started by StartupStudio.AI, which is a platform for launching artificial intelligence startups.  Based in Palo Alto, in the heart of Silicon Valley, StartupStudio.AI is focused on developing new artificial intelligence technologies that revolutionize how people work and live.  For more information visit:  StartupStudio.AI


855 El Camino Real Ste 13A-162, Palo Alto, CA 94301